
You can Give to IBC With a Simple text!

Start by texting the word “register” to IBC’s Text2Give number: 304-381-1623

  1. You will receive a link to enter:
    - Contact information for yourself
    - Payment method preferred
    - Gift limit (max amount you allow per text from the mobile number you are registering)

  2. Confirmation email will be sent.

  3. Text any numeric amount anytime! 

* You may designate a portion of your gift to several pre-set options. Other designations will need to be communicated to Chad Wingert.

* To update any profile information, simply text the word “update” to the same Text2Give number.

For assistance with Text2Give or with your existing online giving, contact Chad Wingert: chad@ibcwv.org or 304-263-5167.