The Bible As It Is

“I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes...” (Rom. 1:16).

I was very encouraged by Franklin Graham’s recent testimony about his “God Loves You” evangelistic tour in the U.K. Many came to Christ. He also took a bold stand during a television interview. He reports the following:

While I was in London, prominent British Broadcaster Piers Morgan invited me on his television show Uncensored. In our conversation, he said, “Times are changing. People are changing,” and I, too, should reconsider my stance on important social and Biblical issues. I simply replied, “God doesn’t change. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

Amen. I love what Martin Luther said in the 1500’s when he was asked about the spread of the Reformation impacting all of Europe with a return to the message of salvation by faith in Christ alone. “The Word did the work,” he testified. That is our approach to ministry to all ages. God’s Word changes hearts and lives and our job is to present it every chance we get.

God has given IBC a good summer of proclaiming the truth to all ages—through Teen Week, Kids’ Week, and through our services and regular ministries.

Please pray for the Creation Conference this Sunday and Monday with Dr. Randy Gulliuzza from the Institute for Creation Research and the Kids’ Creation Conference with JANDY ministries. Be inviting and be praying for many to come to know the Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ and for believers to be strengthened in their faith.


Also, pray for our member Darwin Plumlee, who leaves this Sunday for a week of ministry in flood ravaged Eastern Kentucky as a Chaplain for Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Assoc. Ask the Lord that as loving relief is shared by the team for the physical needs that hearts will be open to the Gospel as Darwin and other chaplains pray and share one on one.

“The Bible as it is for people as they are” is still a great motto and outline for life and ministry.