Praise God for Family Renewal Initiative

I recently had the privilege to write and article for the first official newsletter of the I am posting that article here in order to encourage you to pray for and support this new local outreach. 

I believe that pastors, churches, and Christians in our region should get behind this exciting new local agency, The Family Renewal Initiative. On pro-life Sunday this past January, I preached on God’s Heart for the Vulnerable. As one of the applications of the message, I explained why we should support their efforts.

First, consider what God is like. The Holy Spirit inspired King David to describe God this way: “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. God settles the solitary in a home…” (Ps. 68:5-6a). Our God has a heart for the vulnerable and hurting among us. 

Second, remember what true Christians are like. In James 1, James described true believers as “born again” by the Word of God and as “doers of the Word” and not hearers only. Then he pointed to the evidence of such a true Christian life, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (1:27). True Christians have God’s heart. The most vulnerable in the first century society were widows and orphans because they were often left with no means of support. We can apply this principle to our own call to help the vulnerable and hurting among us today.

The Family Renewal Initiative is a unique opportunity to touch vulnerable children and their families in our community in the name of Christ. I love it that families in our congregation are beginning to impact lives that we might never come in contact without F.R.I. For example, right now a 7-year-old girl is temporarily living with a loving family and is regularly coming to our church with them to hear about Jesus. The girl’s family is grateful for the respite being provided. 

The Foster Care system in WV is overwhelmed; and keeping a child like this out of the system is a win-win for vulnerable parents, children, and the community. It is a big sacrifice to take in such hurting children. But, such radical hospitality by God’s people shows God’s heart is a powerful way.

As a pastor, I am also thankful that F.R.I. provides opportunities to assist for those in our congregation who may not be able to host a child. They can be a Family Friend, supporting those who host or they can donate supplies or support the ministry financially. It’s all part of impacting our local neighborhoods with God’s love in a practical way.

I’m glad that IBC supports the Family Renewal Initiative monthly in our Outreach/Missions budget and encourages our people to volunteer. It is my prayer that many more pastors and churches in the Eastern Panhandle will feel led to join the churches already participating in this partnership.

F.R.I.’s Board is a group of local believers who have been used of God to raise up this exciting outreach to impact children and families in our area for Christ. Pray that many hurting children and parents will be in heaven as God’s people share the love of Jesus and His Good News through the doors this ministry is opening. Pray for the Family Renewal Initiative and then pray, “Lord, what would you have me to do to help?”