God’s Unique Provision

On August 14, the IBC congregation voted to give 11.7 acres to Grace Church, our daughter (now sister) church in southern Berkeley County. On August 24, the trustees of IBC (Dave, Wes, Bob, and Rex) met Pastors Brad and Josh at the Law Office to close on this transaction.

The real estate attorney seemed particularly pleased to preside at this unusual property closing. “As you know,” he began, “no money is being exchanged here today. This document that you will sign simply states that Independent Bible Church received the acreage herein described from an estate gift and is now deeding the land to Grace Church Corp.” We couldn’t help but think that this turn of events is a good testimony to the community of how God’s people love and serve one another in order to spread the Gospel.

After the signing was complete, we stood in front of the Law Office for a picture and a word of prayer thanking God for how He planned this moment long before any of us could have conceived of it. For details, see my earlier blog on “Our God is Amazing.” God's Plan is Amazing — Independent Bible Church (ibcwv.org)

God continues to bless both IBC and Grace Church. As we talked for a few moments that day, Pastor Brad shared how Grace Church averaged 270 in August and that a woman had recently come to him after a service to ask, “So, how can I know that I’m saved?” He shared the Gospel and led her to Christ.

After IBC’s outdoor evening service and Ice Cream Social yesterday, Pastor Dave was talking with a father and his 13-year-old daughter. She knew about Jesus but was not sure that she had accepted Him. So, he reviewed the Gospel and she prayed with him to profess Christ as Savior as her dad listened joyfully. She now wants to be baptized.

Pray for the leaders and members of Grace Church as they seek God’s plan for developing this new property off exit 12 behind the Target store, along I-81. They have challenges ahead; but God who began the good work will continue to guide and provide.

And, may God help IBC and Grace to always continue reaching the neighborhoods and the nations with the good news that Jesus saves and transforms all who come to Him.