Change With a Purpose

Starting Easter Sunday and continuing into the future, our first worship service will start at 9:00 AM instead of 9:15. It’s only a 15-minute difference; but you might be surprised how much thought, discussion, and prayer went into this decision by our pastors, volunteers, and elders!

Here are some reasons for this purposeful adjustment:

  1. This will allow more fellowship time between services.

  2. This should help relieve congestion in the parking lot, allowing traffic to clear out and more spaces to be available for the 10:45 service.

  3. More time in-between will provide a better transition to classes and services.

  4. Volunteers (choir, teachers, welcome team, etc.) should be able to finish the entire service or ABE class before exiting to get to their next class, service, or other assignment.

  5. Parents picking up and dropping off children for IBC Kids will be less crowded.

We appreciate Pastor Lowry and the early Adult Bible Elective adjusting to start at 7:50 AM instead of 8:00 AM in order to support this.

All of this means that the Sunday morning schedule will be:

7:50-8:50 AM ….. First Adult Bible Elective

9:00-10:15 AM ….. First Worship Service, ABE’s, IBC Kids 1

10:15-10:45 AM ….. Transition and Fellowship Time (coffee!!)

10:45-12:00 PM ….. Second Worship Service, ABE’s, IBC Kids 2

Someone has already said to me, “Oh no, Pastor Mark; we know why you’re doing this. This is so you can preach longer in the first worship service.” Believe me; that’s not it. It is our goal to follow this schedule as much as possible so that the purposes for the change can be met. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and flexibility as we adjust. And please pray that every Sunday, every class, every service, and the fellowship in between will be greatly used of God so that people will be reached, saved, and grow as disciples of our Lord and Savior.