Purpose-Focused Progress

The purpose of IBC is to exalt God by making Christ-like disciples who love God, God’s Word, God’s people, and God’s world. I love this mission of glorifying God by spreading the Gospel and discipling those who come to Christ.

Currently, our Welcome Center renovation is well underway. Thanks to estate gifts from Melissa Swaim and Johnny Welsh, the cost of this purpose-driven face-lift to our upper and lower Welcome Center areas is progressing. The purpose—to better love God’s world with hospitality to those who enter our doors and to better love God’s people by providing more appealing and effective fellowship space for growing disciples. Pray for the project and, as it is completed soon, for our use of it to make disciples. Here’s a photo update taken yesterday.

In May, we asked the congregation to pray for our Access Committee, who are looking into improving our entrance and exit. Our Executive Board approved their letter to the landowner, considering purchasing the property adjacent to ours, subject to a feasibility study. This study is occurring now, investigating a potential new entrance, driveway, and associated costs. If this feasibility study is positive, the possible land purchase will be brought to the congregation for a vote in September.

Recently, our elders and deacons gathered on this property to look at possible driveway locations and to have a time of prayer for God’s wisdom for our Access Committee, Board, and congregation.

Again, the intent of improving access to our site is all about making disciples. It is outreach-focused, keeping in mind the vision of reaching and discipling the neighborhoods of people growing all around us. Please pray regularly for wisdom and for God to open or close the door for this possible land purchase according to what would glorify Him and allow us to best reach out in the days and years ahead.