IBC Is Blessed

Pastor Phillip opened last night’s Annual Congregational Meeting with a devotional from Psalm 111, which begins, “Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them.”

It truly was an evening of giving thanks in the congregation, as expressed from the start with the heart-felt singing of “To God Be the Glory.”

I read aloud a portion of my 2023 Report, including the following:

God’s blessings to our church this year have been abundant, such as:

1.      Your amazing unity reflected in a 96% vote to purchase 44 acres along route 9 and a 97% vote for Phillip Macdonald to become Associate Pastor-Teacher. These were major, forward-looking decisions.

2.      Your amazing generosity in the Missions Festival offering and Anniversary offering well exceeding their goals, regular offerings that by the end of the year exceeded budget by over $25,000, and over-and-above giving to missions that allowed $54,000 in extra gifts to missionaries above regular support. (This is in addition to generosity to other special projects such as pro-life baby bottle campaign, Christmas shoeboxes for the Rescue Mission, and numerous other over and above designated gifts.)

3.      Wonderful facility improvements (due to past anniversary offerings and generous estate gifts) including the beautiful Welcome Center remodel, much needed HVAC replacement, new digital sign on Route 9, and a much newer coach bus.

4.      God is using you to bring people to Himself and to IBC to be discipled, reflected in a Sunday attendance increase of 11.8% and strong attendance in other programs.  To God be the glory.

 My written report then praised God for the generosity of brothers and sisters already in glory who left a legacy through estate gifts, including the most recent from Nick Dugan. Then, I wrote:

I am also very grateful for the support of the congregation for our elders’ succession planning. I am excited that Pastor Phillip’s ministry is being so well received. It was a joy to complete an extensive year and half mentoring phase with Pastor Phillip and to see his gifts, growth, and passion for God and for IBC. This year, as the congregation voted, he is serving with me as Associate Pastor-Teacher; and we have a plan to share the preaching 50-50 and lead as a team.

The unity of our church was reflected last night in the outcome of four ballot votes, approving: 1. Pastor Andrew Taylor as Pastor of Middle School Ministries, 2. All the names on the ballot for Elder, Deacon, and Deaconess, 3. The 2024 Budget, and 4. Use of the portion of the Dugan Estate gift (that was not designated for Missions). The lowest % of approval on any item was 99% yes, reflecting unity and a positive spirit that we should not take for granted.

My Annual Report concluded:

When I retire at the end of this year, Gerri and I plan to take a six-month sabbatical as Pastor Phillip, Lord willing, assumes the Pastor-Teacher role. I am thankful that the IBC elders have invited me to serve as half-time Pastor of Discipleship (including Adult Ministries) starting in July of 2025. I look forward to supporting Pastor Phillip and the team; and I believe that IBC’s most effective days of ministry are still ahead.

We did “give thanks to the Lord in the congregation” (Psalm 111:1). And, as Pastor Phillip reminded us in his devotional, the greatest blessing of all is that “He sent redemption to His people” (111:9). “Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.”

Let’s pray that we will all live out the words of last night’s closing song, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” We are blessed. May we keep our eyes on Jesus in 2024!